
Motorized z-alignment stage

Full description

Motorized alignment for XRD: z-alignment stage

The PC-controllable Alignment Stage is a motorized z-alignment stage for all Anton Paar non-ambient attachments for powder X-ray diffraction. It can either be fully integrated in the diffractometer control software or operated with a separate program from Anton Paar.
This program includes automatic compensation of the sample holder expansion, which means you can run fully automated temperature profiles without sample displacement.

Precise height alignment
Accuracy +/-3 µm
Range +/-3.5 mm
Two versions available: with controller and software for stand-alone operation and without controller and software for full integration into the diffractometer control software

Universal and easy to use
Easy to use software for precise remote alignment of the sample at any stage of the experiment
Fits all Anton Paar non-ambient attachments for 2-circle goniometers

Automated realignment - less effort, better data quality
Mode for automatic temperature-dependent realignment of the sample (requires basic communication with the diffractometer control program)
Realignment based on compensation curves
Default curves available for HTK 1200N, XRK, and HTK 1200 for approximate compensation
Programmable with your own curves for accurate compensation under all experimental conditions
Product specification
AP Stage Mover
AP Stage Mover
PC-controlled alignment stage
PC-controlled alignment stage

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