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Chromatography Instruments
Thin Layer Chromatography
Chromatogram development
Chambers and SmartAlert monitor
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Chambers and SmartAlert monitor
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CAMAG smartAlert solvent front monitor
smartAlert serves for dependable monitoring the development of a glass plate in a glass developing chamber.
• Gives acoustic and visual notice when the mobile phase has reached
the desired developing distance
• Replaces a timer or stop watch
• Works with glass chambers for plate sizes 20 Ч 20, 20 Ч 10
and 10 Ч 10 cm
• Battery operated
CAMAG Flat Bottom Chamber
This is the classical developing tank for TLC/HPTLC. It permits the plate to be developed under conditions of partial or complete saturation of the tank atmosphere with solvent vapors. The degree of layer preconditioning can not be controlled unless additional accessories are used.
CAMAG Twin Trough Chamber
The Twin Trough Chamber offer several ways to specifically influence chromatogram development in order to improve it.
Low solvent consumption
20 mL of solvent are sufficient for a 20 Ч 20 cm chamber, 10 mL for the 20 Ч 10 cm chamber and 5 mL for a 10 Ч 10 cm chamber. This reduces not only solvent consumption but also disposal problems.
Reproducible preconditioning of the layer with solvent vapor.
Developing solvent is placed in the trough opposite to the plate. Preconditioning can be performed with any solvent and for any duration. Development is started when developing solvent is placed into the trough with the plate
Horizontal Developing Chamber CAMAG
In the Horizontal Developing Chamber the HPTLC plate is developed from both opposing sides towards the middle. This permits the number of samples to be doubled as compared with development in a tank, provided the separation distance of 45 mm (i.e. 50 mm minus 5 mm distance from the edge, is sufficient). In case a longer separation distance is desired, the HDC can be used for development from one side.
In the Horizontal Developing Chamber, a plate can be developed in the sandwich configuration as well as in the tank configuration.
1 HPTLC plate (layer facing down)
2 Glass plate inserted to establish sandwich configuration
3 Reservoir for developing solvent
4 Glass strip for solvent transfer by capillary action
5 Cover plate
6 Conditioning tray.
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