Fully automatic universal batch distillation system for application in chemical industry.
PILODIST introduces a fully automatic and computer controlled universal distillation system for batch sizes from 2 to 20 L.
The system is designed for atmospheric and/or vacuum distillations at preselectable pressures and cut temperatures and offers the possibility to analyse multicomponent mixtures throughout its complete boiling range.
These different distillation runs are performed automatically without any intervention of the operator. Various column packing materials can be choosen depending on the application.
The system provides volume-, weight- and/or density measurement for each cut that has been preselected. The fraction collector is equipped with 20 receivers and a total number of up to 80 cuts can be collected by replacing filled receivers during operation.
At the end of distillation a complete distillation report as mass balance including all important datas and measurements will be provided for storage as well as printout, LIMS connection is possible as well.
PILODIST 100 CC is modularly constructed and provides the possibility to allow several options to design the system exactly to customers requirements including important safety aspects to allow unattended operation.
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