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Servicii și suport
Produse de uz veterinar si furajere
Instrumente de Laborator de Uz General
Расходные материалы
Microfiltration instruments
Product list
Microfiltration instruments
CHM® offers different Re-usable
CHM® filter holders
- CHM® Glass filter holders
- CHM® HIN Stainless steel filter holder
- CHM® HPC Polycarbonate filter holder
- HTF PTFE filter holder
CHM®FR manifolds
allow independent usage of any one port with a stopcock.
They have been designed specifically for applications in which the particles or microorganisms retained on the membrane filter surface are of interest. They are available with 1, 3 and 6 filtration funnels
CHM® Biofun sterile
microbiological monitors
are designed to be used in the membrane filtration technique to recover microorganisms from aqueous samples.
Thanks to the special pack in reels, the
makes each membrane quickly and reliably accessible.
Product list
Membrane dispenser
This membrane dispenser is designed for individually sterile-packaged cellulose nitrate membranes packed in reels. Thanks to the special pack in reels, the dispenser makes each membrane quickly and reliably accessible; avoids filter band slippage or even damaged membranes.
1-, 3- and 6-branch CHM®FR manifold
The manifolds are made of AISI 304 and are available with 1, 3 and 6 filtration funnels, and in 40, 100 ml and 500 ml capacity funnels. CHM®FR manifolds allow independent usage of any one port with a stopcock.
CHM® Glass filter holders
These versatile all -glass filter holders are supplied with a glass frit filter support. It ensures the uniform distribution of retained particles on the filter surface.
Reusable filter holders
CHM® Glass filter holders; Re-usable CHM® filter holders; CHM® HIN Stainless steel filter holder; CHM® HPC Polycarbonate filter holder; CHM® HTF PTFE filter holder
Microbiological monitors
CHM® Biofun sterile microbiological monitors are designed to be used in the membrane filtration technique to recover microorganisms from aqueous samples.