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Servicii și suport
Industria chimică și perochimică
Distilatoare si Extractoare
Sisteme Kjeldahl
Kjeldahl distillation
Product list
Kjeldahl distillation
Protein and nitrogen determinations are common analysis in quality and production control. While the principle of the Kjeldahl method remains unchanged, various improvements to the Kjeldahl method enhance speed, automation, safety and convenience.
Established and proven
∙ Kjeldahl is the most established reference method for protein determination in food, beverage, feed and forage. It commonly serves as reference for NIR calibrations. ∙
∙ It is compliant with all sorts of national and international regulations such as AOAC, ISO, DIN, LFGB and many more.
∙ Changing matrices or highly heterogeneous samples are easily handled by Kjeldahl.
∙ It copes with just a few samples per day or with a high throughput of up to 120 samples in a shift thanks to a flexible autosampler concept.
∙ Acid digestion and steam distillation can be applied for the determination of various analytes such as N-containing compounds, COD, heavy metals, hydroxyproline, SO2 , formaldehyde, CN, diacetyl, alcohol, TVBN, volatile acids, phenols etc.
For every budget
∙ Buchi broad portfolio offers entry-level Kjeldahl products up to highly sophisticated fully automated systems.
Highest throughput and maximized flexibility
For more than 50 years BUCHI has been developing outstanding solutions for the determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen and non-Kjeldahl applications. It is our utmost ambition to understand and meet your personal demands. Our solutions include innovative products for the entire process workflow, bespoke application support, sophisticated data management and professional maintenance. Thousands of satisfied customers all over the world in quality control and R&D laboratories enjoy our comprehensive approach.
Solution «Kjeldahl Throughput»
Nitrogen determination at high throughput and full automation
You cope with ever increasing sample loads for nitrogen determination according to Kjeldahl, with rising costs per analysis and requirements for thorough documentation. We offer a solution for analyzing up to 120 samples in a one-person working day, providing a maximum degree of automation in sample and data processing.
(Products: KjelMaster K-375, KjelDigester K-446/K-449, Scrubber K-415, KjelSampler K-376/K-377)
Solution «Kjeldahl Flexibility»
Nitrogen determination with greatest flexibility and convenience
You want to be flexible by using your products for classical Kjeldahl analysis also for related applications without time consuming changes. Our highly modular solution copes with semi-automated Kjeldahl applications as well as reflux digestion and direct distillation.
(Products: SpeedDigester K-439, Scrubber K-415, KjelFlex K-360)
Solution «Kjeldahl Basic»
Nitrogen determination fulfilling basic needs
You look for a cost-effective product for basic nitrogen determination according to Kjeldahl with straightforward operation. We provide an entry-level solution with little need for sophisticated programming or automated titration but with various options to extend the scope of applications.
(Products: SpeedDigester K-425 / K-436, Distillation unit K-350/K-355, Scrubber K-415)
Solution «Direct Distillation»
Semi-automated direct distillation of steam-volatile compounds
You deal with limited lab space, changing samples and demands for different analytes requiring direct steam distillation. We offer a modular all-in-one solution covering various steam-volatile compounds with semi-automated operation and direct link to external titrators.
(KjelFlex K-360)
Product list
Steam distillation units Kjel Line
BUCHI’s latest steam distillation units are extremely accurate, ensure the sustainable use of resources and offer maximal safety during operation.
KjelMaster К-375
Free choice of methods at perfect usability
We provide solutions for both potentiometric and colorimetric titrations. The KjelMaster K-375 meets the highest demands in usability, automation, user administration and sophisticated data management.
KjelSampler K-376/377
Highest productivity in steam distillation
The KjelSampler K-376 or K-377 in combination with the KjelMaster K-375 meets upmost demands in high throughput Kjeldahl determination. The system provides a maximum degree of automation and flexibility.
Distillation Unit K-350/ K-355
Entry level Kjeldahl analysis and beyond
Perform Kjeldahl nitrogen or protein determinations compliant to officially approved methods in the most cost effective way. Expand your range of applications with the additional features of the K-355.
KjelFlex K-360
Broad application flexibility
Perform Kjeldahl nitrogen or protein determination and additional steam distillation in the most flexible way. The modular setup allows to adapt the KjelFlex K-360 at any time including a wide selection of titrators to guarantee smooth and easy operation.
Решения для анализа по методу Кьельдаля
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Особенности стекла для Кьельдаля
Описание преимуществ систем Бюхи для определения протеина по методу Кьельдаля и другим методам, связанным с минерализацией и дистилляцией.