
NIR Solutions™


Maximize your efficiency

NIR analysis offers rapid, affordable and precise results. It enables real-time decision making for enhanced quality and higher productivity. BUCHI’s NIRSolutions™ support you in mastering your daily challenges from incoming goods inspection to finished product release.

NIRSolutions ™ can be used for:

1) Control dairy, meat, milling and other food products for ∙ moisture macronutrients ash and fiber rheological properties
2) Test raw materials, premixes and finished products for ∙ moisture ∙ fat ∙ protein ∙ ash and fiber ∙ ADF and NDF ∙ amino acids
3) Environmental analysis
Customize accurate calibrations to measure moisture, organic carboon and total nitrogen content of soils, fertilizers formulation, biogas potential of biodegadable feedstock and urban waste
4) Pharma
Perform regulatory compliant raw material identification and/or qualification tablet content uniformity analysis final product release testing
5) Chemical industry
Control processes by ∙ raw material qualification ∙ hydroxyl number measurement ∙ polymerization end-point determination ∙ residual moisture/ solvent quantification
6) Scientific researches

«NIRSolutions™ Laboratory»
Precise analytical results within seconds

You need fast and reliable information about your samples in order to take far-reaching decisions. Whether you are performing analysis for research or quality control our « NIRSolutions™ Laboratory» with dedicated measurement cells delivers precise analytical results for a broad variety of sample types.
(NIRFlex® N-500, Measurement cell: Solids, NIRWare®, NIRCal®, Options: various measurement cells for different sample types, spectra libraries for pharma identification, pre-developed quick-start calibrations)

«NIRSolutions™ Warehouse»
Reliable material qualification in the warehouse

You need fast and convenient inspection of incoming goods as a prerequisite for ensuring superior quality of your product. Our «NIRSolutions™ Warehouse» with multi-bundle fiber optic probe offers reliable and precise qualitative and quantitative analysis directly in the warehouse
(NIRFlex® N-500, measurement cell: Fiber Optic Solids, NIRWare®, NIRCal®, Options: various measurement cells for different sample types, disposable plastic sleeves and spectra libraries (e.g. pharma))

«NIRSolutions™ At-line»
Fast analysis of intermediates at the production line

You need fast quality control of intermediate products to reduce waste and optimize your manufacturing processes. Our «NIRSolutions™ At-line» brings the accuracy of FT-NIR analytical technology into production environments for the precise determination of chemical and physical properties.
(NIRMasterTM Pro, Magnetic spinner for sample cups, NIRWare®, NIRCal®, ∙ Options: unbreakable sample cup, higher protection: NIRMasterTM Pro IP65)

«NIRSolutions™ On-line»
Direct on-line measurement of in-process samples

You need to control your processes tightly to reduce waste and optimize your manufacturing operation. Our «NIRSolutions™ On-line» offers continuous monitoring of critical parameters and therewith the ability to optimize processes in real time.
(NIRFlex® N-500, Measurement cell: SMA, NIRWare®, NIRCal®, Options: liquid samples (immersion process probe), powder/cream samples (reflectance process probe), fiber optics of customizable length).
Product list
NIRFlex N-500

NIRFlex N-500

The N-500 FT-NIR spectrometer provides reliable analysis results for quality control as well as research and development in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food, beverage and feed industry. The NIRFlex N-500 offers a wide range of measuring cells and accessories for highest performance.


Control the quality and nutritional facts of your feed, pet-food, milling and bakery products rapidly. The accuracy and reproducible performance of polarization FT technology plus the hygienic design with certified dust protection meets the easy cleaning processes requested for at-line machinery.
NIRMaster™ Pro IP65

NIRMaster™ Pro IP65

The NIRMaster Pro IP65 is the world’s first dedicated FT-NIR standalone spectrometer with IP65 protection class. Its hygienic design is certified to be resistant to water jet cleaning procedures. It fully meets the requirements for safety of quality control instruments used in dairy and meat food production.
ProxiMate<sup>TM</sup> NIR

ProxiMateTM NIR

ProxiMate is a robust, compact and easy to use at-line NIR instrument for the food and feed industry. It reduces downtime in production and provides fast quality control of batch samples.


Operating a BUCHI FT-NIR spectrometer without advanced expertise is easy thanks to the intuitive NIRWare operator software.


NIRCal is a powerful chemometric software package to develop robust NIR methods which lead to fast and reliable NIR prediction results.
NIR-Online Process Analyzer

NIR-Online Process Analyzer

Closely monitoring key parameters such as moisture, fat or protein is crucial to correct deviations occurring in any manufacturing process. BUCHI NIR-Online®analyzers continuously provide accurate measurements within seconds to guarantee maximum production efficiency.
NIR-Online Multipoint System

NIR-Online Multipoint System

Innovative Multipoint heads provide the most cost-effective way to monitor relevant check points in e.g. the oil seed or grain milling industry as well as food and feed production.
Использование метода БИК (по-русски)
BUCHI Near Infrared
BUCHI Near Infrared Solution Products
