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Industria alimentară
Sisteme de Cromatografie
Cromatografie in Strat Subtire
Sample application
Automatic TLC Sampler 4 (ATS 4)
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Automatic TLC Sampler 4 (ATS 4)
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Automatic sample application is a key factor for productivity of the TLC/HPTLC laboratory. The requirements for an instrument serving this purpose, i.e. precision, robustness during routine use and convenient handling are fully met by the Automatic TLC Sampler 4. The ATS 4 offers fully automatic sample application for qualitative and quantitative analyses as well as for preparative separations. It is suited for routine use and high sample throughput in mass analysis.
Samples are either applied as spots through contact transfer (0.1–5 μL) or as bands or rectangles (0.5 to > 50 μL) using the spray-on technique. Starting zones in the form of narrow bands offer the best separation attainable with a given chromatographic system. Application in the form of rectangles allows precise application of large volumes without damaging the layer. Prior to chromatography, these rectangles are focused into narrow bands with a solvent of high elution strength. The ATS 4 allows “overspotting”, i.e. a sequential application from different vials onto the same position. This technique can be used e.g. in pre-chromatographic derivatization, spiking, etc.
Key features
• Fully automatic sample application, suitable for routine
• Application in the form of spots, bands, or rectangles
• Data input and monitoring through visionCATS software
• Application of solutions onto any planar medium (FreeMode)
Heated Spray Nozzle for ATS 4 (optional)
Heating at 60 °C cuts the time required for the application of aqueous solutions about in half. This is useful e.g. for trace analysis where comparatively large sample volumes have to be applied in order to reach a low detection limit
Operation of the ATS 4 with visionCATS HPTLC Software
Precise sample application is a crucial factor for the quality of the HPTLC analysis and the results obtained. When using visionCATS HPTLC software with its easy to navigate user interface to control the ATS 4, a fully automated sample application for routine use and high sample throughput is supported. The dialog box for instrument parameters offers user-friendly default combinations. For instance, the user can select the solvent type most similar to the solvent actually used. The software will then automatically adapt the instrument defaults to optimize its application regarding viscosity, volatility and surface tension. Another example of a pre-selected combination is the filling/rinsing quality which determines how often the syringe is rinsed, the filling process repeated, etc. All these pre-selections can be individually adjusted to a specific task. The dialog for entering the sequence of samples is clearly arranged and easy to use. Tracks can be automatically arranged evenly spaced across the plate, sample designations can be inserted from a prepared list, etc. The program progress is displayed on screen as long as the instrument remains connected to the computer.
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Topic: Sisteme de Cromatografie, Cromatografie in Strat Subtire, Sample application company CAMAG. Text: Contact me.
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