
Polarimeter Teaching Model

Full description
The Polarimeter Teaching Model is a tool which illustrates the principles of polarimetry and demonstrates the measurement of optical rotation. It allows first hands-on experience of polarimetry and enables the learnt theory to be applied and deepened in an illustrative and practically relevant way. The same measuring principle is used in modern digital polarimeters. The Polarimeter Teaching Model can be used to demonstrate measurement on, for example, a simple solution of household sugar. The polarimeter teaching model is a useful and attractive complement to specialist books and is frequently used at universities and colleges.

• Easy to use
• Allows practical, hands-on training and experience of the measuring principle “with the optical elements in your hand”
• Ready for use immediately
Product specification
Model Polarimeter Teaching Model
Measuring range: -90° to +90°
Outer dimensions  26.5 x 10.0 x 12.5 cm
(L x W x H):  
Volume of the  approx. 375 mL
sample cell:  
Weight approx. 2 kg (without sample)
A high-quality flashlight from Zweibrüder is 
included as the light source.
Комірка для MCP
MCP Sample cell brochure
Функція контролю заповнення поляриметричної трубки MCP FillingCheckTM
МСР поляриметр: функция контроля заполнения поляриметрической трубки FillingCheckTM

Відповідність стандартам

Налаштування MCP
МСР поляриметр: функція автоматичного налаштування

MCP поляриметр: контроль температури

MCP поляриметр: Функція ToolmasterTM
МСР поляриметр: функция автоматического распознавания поляриметрической трубки и контрольной кварцевой пластины ToolmasterTM

To get information about: «Модель для обучения поляриметрии» contact us by phone (044) 229 15 31 or fill in the form.
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