
Reusable filter holders

Full description

CHM® Glass filter holders

These versatile all -glass filter holders are supplied with a glass frit filter support. It ensures the uniform distribution of retained particles on the filter surface.
Recommended for colony counting and for collection of suspended solids.
The system composed of glass funnel and base with vacuum connector and receiving flask is supplied with:
ground glass outer and inner joints to connect to the receiving glass or with silicon stopper connector.

Re-usable CHM® filter holders

The filter holders are specially designed for clarification and sterilisation of aqueous and aggressive samples. These reusable devices are made in different materials in function of the applications.
Depending on the volume and the type of sample to be filtered, CHMLAB is offering 3 ranges of filter holders:
· Filter holder for volumes up to 10 ml (13 mm membrane diameter)
· Filter holder for volumes up to 100 ml (25 mm membrane diameter)
· Filter holder for volumes with more than 100 ml (47 and 50 mm membrane diameter)

CHM® HIN Stainless steel filter holder

CHM® HIN inox holder for solvents and chemicals.
The PTFE -coated surface on the top part is an important property of the filter holder and ensures leak proof sealing without a sealing ring.
The temperature resistance is extremely good, and the chemical compatibility depends only on the used membrane filter type.
Sterilisation: by autoclaving (max. 134ºC) or by dry heat (max. 180ºC).
The top part can easily be mounted on the bottom part using the tightening tool supplied.
Filter supports in the top and bottom parts allow filtration in either direction.

CHM® HPC Polycarbonate filter holder

CHM® HPC Polycarbonate holder for aqueous solutions.
This CHM® HPC filter holder is made of stable polycarbonate and contains a silicone gasket for leak proof sealing.
The polycarbonate material withstands numerous working and washing cycles.
It can be sterilized by autoclaving (max. 121°C).
Filter supports in the top and bottom parts allow filtration in either direction.
The holder has an excellent resistance to pressure; up to 7 bar of operating pressure.
The transparent top part allows the visual control of the correct fit.

CHM® HTF PTFE filter holder

CHM® HTF filter holder for organic solvents and aggressive chemicals.
Made completely of PTFE, this holder has a broad chemical compatibility and contains no trace elements which could be released into the liquid being filtered.
Easy cleaning. Autoclavable by dry heat at 180ºC.
It is indicated for particle removal from samples and reagents for analytical methods.
The construction of the holder ensures leak proof sealing without a sealing ring, and avoids twisting of the membrane filter when the top is tightened onto the base.
Product specification
CHM® Glass filter holders
Order information
FS047300T Glass filtration system for 47 mm (or 50 mm) membranes with stopper
FS047300S Glass filtration system for 47 mm (or 50 mm) membranes without stopper
CHM® HIN Stainless steel filter holder
Technical specifications
MEMBRANE FILTER 25 mm  47 mm (in line)
Filtration area 3 cm2 13 cm2
Flow rates
Typical values per
cm2 for water at 1 bar
(100 kPa) differential
45 ml/min  (0.2 µm filter) 0.5 ml/min (0.2 µm filter)
80 ml/min  (0.45 µm filter) 1.0 ml/min (0.45 µm filter)
Max. operating
 7 бар (700 кПа) 20 бар (2000 кПа)
Sterilization By autoclaving (max 134 ºC) or by dry heat (max 180 ºC)
Chemical compatibility As for stainless steel and PTFE
Connectors Female Luer Lock inlet, Hose nipples DN10
 Luer slip outlet
Order information
HIN025001 INOX 25 1
HIN047001 INOX 47 1
CHM® HPC Polycarbonate filter holder
Technical specifications
MEMBRANE FILTER  13 mm 25 mm  47 mm (in line)
Filtration area 0,5 cm2 3 cm2 13 cm2
Flow rates
Typical values per
cm2 for water at 1 bar
(100 kPa) differential
18 ml/min (0.2 µm filter) 45 ml/min (0.2 µm filter) 0.5 L/min (0.2 µm filter)
35 ml/min (0.45 µm filter) 80 ml/min (0.45 µm filter) 1.0 L/min (0.45 µm filter)
Max. operating
 7 bar (700 kPa)
Materials Polycarbonate top and bottom parts
Silicone gasket 20.5x26.5 mm
Chemical compatibility As for polycarbonate and silicone
Sterilization By autoclaving (max 121 ºC)
Connectors Female Luer Lock inlet,   Hose nipples 
  Luer slip outlet    
Order information
HPC013001 Polycarbonate 13 1
HPC013012 Polycarbonate 13 12
HPC025001 Polycarbonate 25 1
HPC025012 Polycarbonate 25 12
HPC047001 Polycarbonate 47 1
HPC047012 Polycarbonate 47 12
CHM® HTF PTFE filter holder
Technical specifications
Filtration area 0,5 cm2    
Flow rates
Typical values per
cm2 for water at 1 bar
(100 kPa) differential
10 ml/min (0,2 µm filter); 18 ml/min (0,45 µm filter)
 5 bar (450 kPa); 
Materials PTFE top and bottom part
Chemical compatibility As for PTFE
Sterilization By autoclaving (max 134 ºC) or by dry heat (max 180 ºC)
Connectors Female Luer Lock inlet,
   Luer slip outlet
Order information
HTF013001 PTFE  13 1
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